Pronouns: He/Him
Cat Brooks has over twenty years’ experience with armored combat. As a student Cat trained under Jaye T Brooks Senior and many other notable top fighters around the world. He fights and trains using The Knights Hall™ method of combat developed by Jaye T Brooks Senior.
Now a trainer himself, he continues to contribute ideas and innovations to enhance the style and sport of armored combat.
Cat also worked on the television show, “Knight Fight” on the History Channel providing insight and expert knowledge of armor and armored combat fighting for the competition. He spent countless hours coaching fighters and performing theatrical work for the trailers.
Cat is a reigning 5 Time IMCF World Champion Sword and Shield Fighter with scores of medals and trophies honoring his prowess in the sport of Armored Combat and a top instructor at The Knights Hall™ with an expertise in grappling, large melee tactics and strategies, power lifting, nutrition and body mechanics.